


Self-help learning principle

The following Groups have been set up by our members. The ethos of the u3a is participation, not the conventional teacher/class relationship.  Learning is for its own sake, with enjoyment being the prime motive, not qualifications or awards. 

See the Groups List below - or press the button to see the Monthly Schedule.

If you would like to join a group please contact the Group Leader via the email link on each group page or by telephone if a contact number is provided. 

Anyone interested in setting up a new Interest Group should talk to the Groups Coordinator.  A notice can then be put on this website and/or in the newsletter and an announcement can be made at the monthly meeting asking all those interested to put their names on a list.  If there is sufficient interest an informal meeting can be arranged to discuss the setting up of the group (see attached ‘First Meeting of an Interest Group’). 

Some Chelmsford u3a Interest Groups accept visitors who are fully paid up members of another u3a.   For more details and a list of the groups click here

Groups listed alphabetically